A water audit allows you to measure water use in different areas of your facility, assess where water overuse or abuse is taking place, and where leaks might be. The three main activities involved in a water audit include:

  • Getting to know your water system:
    Identify all areas of the facility with hot or cold water supplies. Also note the location of distribution pipes, flow meters, water storage facilities, taps, valves, etc.
  • Developing an inventory:
    Find out how water is used in each area of your facility by involving knowledgeable staff and measuring water flows. Once you know how much water is being used in each process or area of operation, you can identify potential water reduction measures
  • Preparing a water balance:
    All water used in your facility should be identified and quantified, and the total volume of water supplied accounted for. You may want to break the water balance down into smaller areas to accurately identify specific areas of overuse or leaks.


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